Bumpy? Because it took a while to get (my) flat. Groan. Sorry.
I'm now living in my new flat, and have just about enough of things like food, things to wash with and so on (day to day stuff) to survive til the weekend. That's when I pick up the rest and drive it up here, while taking some empty boxes back so one of my old housemates can use them (he's moving out too).
The original move-in-date was planned for 2nd Feb, but due to my bank being crap, I was still waiting them to process a check on me my landlord needed to do to validate an insurance policy he has. The bank(HSBC) kept telling me it would be 1-2 more days while losing my authorisation form, saying they'd call back and failing to, and taking way longer than 1-2 days. I'm seriously considering changing banks because of this (and my mate also having had many problems with them a few years ago before he moved), but to do so during a house move would, I suspect, be suicidal and asking for a nightmare.
I finally moved on the 8th and brought my car up last weekend (11th), making use of space to bring a few more things up. I've sorted a parking permit out so I don't need to pay £1.20/hr in the machines during the day.