I'm looking forward to seeing Spiderman 2 when it's released - I saw a teaser trailer for it a few weeks ago (downloaded it) which has a real "whoa..." moment. Green goblin has gone (those who saw the 1st one know why) and Doctor Octo is the new bad guy. I've heard from real fans of the comics that Octo should be a much better adversary anyway - I don't remember them well enough to know (still have quite a few somewhere back at my parents place, probably hiding in the roof).
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Top ten-pin tally
Went bowling again for the first time in a few years last week. I used to go regularly every week with my mate for a few months, but that was ages ago. So you'd think I'd be seriously out of practice and scoring badly. The first game, I was.
But then, through maybe some kind of fluke, or just getting back into the knack quite quickly - I beat my personal best and got 172. That included a Turkey (I'm sure that helped a lot). My best used to be 150-something, average around 130.
Thursday, February 12, 2004
I took a test...
Oh dear. I did a test from Match.com about whether I understand if women want me or not. Sad.
But at least I got this answer (I'm "The Master"... believe that at your own peril).

Alone... (nearly)
I'm only talking about the house. Liz (flatmate) is moving out. Has moved out, actually. Still a load of stuff here that's hers, but the big stuff is gone. It's only down the road too; she's moved with her new(well, 6 months ish) boyfriend to a place a couple of miles down the road. So I have the place to myself. Apart from Dave (the landlord) who's hardly in anyway (spends all his time at work, down the pub, or asleep).
It also means no smoke (they're both smokers; I'm not), a whole Sky Digital box to myself (had to share it with Liz before), and I have plans for the room she left too (guest room/upstairs TV room, has my sofa-bed in there anyway). No change to my rent or anything as we're just renting rooms.
I was working in the morning (Wednesday), and having offered to help Liz move, knew I'd be busy in the afternoon/evening so stopped for a crafty half in the local Hog's Head for a break. Ended up not eating anything till the evening either.
So I got home, Liz had decided she couldn't rely on her ex-husband to help out with his Transit van and had booked a van for hire. She then booked a cab for me to go pick it up, and I spent the rest of the day helping move furniture, drive it up and down the hill to the new place, and unpack it.
I got some money for it (didn't ask for any, just got given some and tried (not too hard ;-) to turn it down) and I'll make a bit more out of the cashback on my credit card from paying for various new things they've ordered; also got the cash back to cover it today so that's going straight into the ISA until I need it... Sorted.
Thursday, February 05, 2004
Hit a penguin
Go check out http://www.stulacey.co.uk/penguin.swf - it's a fun little game written in macromedia flash; basically, penguin baseball. See how far you can hit it - my record is 316.9 after a good few goes.
Click to launch, then click to hit as he falls - you have to get the timing right as if you click too early (and don't miss), the flight arc means he lands on his nose and won't slide any further. Click too late and he just slides on the ice without getting any height.
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Hurrah. Comments work. Thanks Haloscan. As you can now see, anyway. Got them working Sun eve's actually; just been playing with the formatting (stylesheet) to try and make it look ok. Fans (huh.. what fans?) of this page may notice I'm moving away from the orange theme I picked originally, and shifting to blue. Mm.. "shifting to blue" - sounds like a nice title of some exhibition or cultural something. It'll get better with time; especially as I get to know CSS better.
Sunday, February 01, 2004
An (old) entry from my PDA
This entry was written on my PDA (PalmOS-based) while other of my fellow bellringers were ringing for a wedding. I was looking for something to do...
My new hairstyle (as of 27th Jan, I think) seems to be well liked - I'd had the old one far too long. I had contemplated the change to shorter, spikier locks for a few months (about 3 haircuts) & chickened out each time. I like it too, which is the important thing. Feeling better about hair = better self-confidence.
Gotta get comments working here
Unfortunately blogger.com don't (as yet) allow comments on their free member accounts, so I've started looking into other ways of doing it.
I've tried...
- CommentThis - but the setup process (online) didn't work and managed a wonderful job of crashing IE (and Windows sometimes) whenever I tried it.
- Haloscan - in progress
Pool Tourney update
As expected, I crapped out after one game of pool at the tournament (at my local pub, see the relevant entry). So just an expensive game of pool really (although, at £2, only 80p more than normal for that table). I was playing against my mate Adam in the first round and although I have beaten him before, I didn't expect to. At least I didn't come away feeling I should have done better. So someone else won a nice cue and the cash prize.